approximation We can approximate the number π using the formula:
with k
the number of squareroots. The greater is k, the better is the π .
The formula contains the recursive expression 2 +
, so let’s code:
# k is the number of squareroots
to approxpi :k
write "approximation:\ print (power 2 :k) * squareroot (2- squareroot (calc :k-2))
print "-------------------------
write "pi:\ print pi
to calc :p
if :p=0 [output 2][output 2+squareroot calc :p-1]
approxpi 10
Approximation: 3.141591421568446
Pi: 3.141592653589793
We found the first 5 digits! If we’re looking for more π digits, we have to allow a better precision with a higher
number of digits while computing. Thus, we’re going to use the primitive setdigits.
setdigits 100
approxpi 100
Approximation: 3.1415926535897932384626433832795028841973393069670160975807684313880468...
Pi: 3.141592653589793238462643383279502884197169399375105820974944592307816406....
And now, we have 39 digits...