;;; latex-tempo.el --- Templates for LaTeX with help of tempo.el and AucTeX

;; Author: Guy Yeterian 
;; Created: 01 July 1998
;; Version: 1.0
;; Version: 1.1 January 99
;; Keywords: Templates for LaTeX Mode with auctex

;; Copyright (C) 1998  GYe

;; This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
;; it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
;; the Free Software Foundation; either version 2, or (at your option)
;; any later version.

;; This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
;; but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
;; GNU General Public License for more details.

;; You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
;; along with GNU Emacs; see the file COPYING.  If not, write to
;; the Free Software Foundation, 675 Mass Ave, Cambridge, MA 02139, USA.

;;; Commentary:
;;  This package is for use with AucTeX. You can add your TeX macros or add 
;;  template for AucTeX. 
;;  In version 1.1 we modify (with help of advice.el) tempo-insert. This
;;  function can now run TeX-insert-macro (look at the code for see how to do
;;  this.   


;;; Description:
;;   latex-tempo.el  makes it easier to write LaTeX documents. This mode
;;   handles inserting LaTeX codes in a variety of ways (keybindings,
;;   completion in the buffer, running auctex functions both for command and
;;   environment ).  

(defvar latex-tempo-env-tags nil
  "List of LaTeX environments tags.")

(defvar latex-tempo-com-tags nil
  "List of LaTeX commands tags.")

;;; latex-mode-hook
(require 'tempo)
(require 'advice)

(setq-default tempo-interactive t)
;(setq-default tempo-insert-region t)
 tempo-match-finder "\\b\\([^\b]+\\)\\=")  ;; The definition in tempo.el is false.

;;; install latex-mode and define list for environements and commands.
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook 
          '(lambda ()
             (tempo-use-tag-list 'latex-tempo-env-tags)
             (tempo-use-tag-list 'latex-tempo-com-tags)

(add-hook 'LaTeX-math-mode-hook
 '(lambda ()
    (tempo-use-tag-list 'latex-tempo-env-tags)
    (tempo-use-tag-list 'latex-tempo-com-tags)

;; modification of tempo for running auctex function
(defadvice tempo-insert (before run-function (element on-region))
  "run (auctex) lisp  function"
  (if (and (consp element)
           (eq (car element) 'f))
        (apply (nth 1 element) (nthcdr 2 element))    
        (ad-set-arg 0 nil))))
;; activate the new tempo-insert
(ad-activate 'tempo-insert t)

;;; LaTeX function uses later

;; Insert a environment of the amsthm package. 
;; pour completer mes macros persos sous amsthm
(defun LaTeX-env-thm (environment)
  "Insert ENVIRONMENT with optional argument
   usage with AMSTHM ."
  (let ((titre (read-string "Title : ")))
    (LaTeX-insert-environment environment
                               (if (not (zerop(length titre)))
                                   (format "[%s]" titre))))))

;;  tempo-user-elements
(defvar tempo-user-elements nil)

;;; tempo function's here.

;;; function to construct the environments templates.
(defun latex-tempo-env (l)
  "Construct tempo-template for LaTeX environment"
  (let* ((tag (car l))
         (nom (nth 1 l))
         (element (nth 2 l)))    
    (tempo-define-template nom element tag  nil 'latex-tempo-env-tags)))

;;; function to construct LaTeX commands
(defun latex-tempo-com (l)
  "Construct tempo-template for LaTeX commands."
  (let* ((tag (car l))
         (element (nth 1 l)))
    (tempo-define-template tag element tag nil 'latex-tempo-com-tags)))

;;; The templates.
;;; here you install your templates for environments
;;; LaTeX environments tags
 '(("enu" "enumerate"    ((LaTeX-env-item "enumerate")))
   ("ite" "itemize"      ((LaTeX-env-item "itemize")))
   ("des"  "description" ((LaTeX-env-item "description")))
   ("dis" "displaymath" ((LaTeX-environment-menu "displaymath")))
   ("equ" "equation"    ((LaTeX-environment-menu "equation")))
   ("mul" "multicols"   ((LaTeX-environment-menu "multicols")))
   ("rem" "remarque"    ((LaTeX-environment-menu "remarque")))
   ("eno" "enonce"      ((LaTeX-environment-menu "enonce")))
   ("cor"  "corollaire" ((LaTeX-environment-menu "corollaire")))
   ("tab"  "tabular"    ((LaTeX-environment-menu "tabular")))
   ("cen"  "center"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "center")))
   ("lst"  "lstlisting"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "lstlisting")))
    ("box"  "boxedverbatim"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "boxedverbatim")))
     ("dan"  "DANGER"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "DANGER")))
     ("frame" "frame"   ((LaTeX-environment-menu "frame")) )
      ("arrayl"  "arrayl"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "arrayl")))
       ("def"  "Defi"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "Defi")))
        ("thm"  "The"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "The")))
         ("prop"  "Pro"     ((LaTeX-environment-menu "Pro")))
         ("ver" "verse"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "verse")))
         ("dia" "frame"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "frame")))
         ("quo" "quote"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "quote")))
         ("vrb" "Verbatim"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "Verbatim")))
          ("ali" "align*"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "align*")))
          ("exo" "EXO"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "EXO")))
;;       ("xcas" "xcas"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "xcas")))
;;       ("Xcas" "xcass"  ((LaTeX-environment-menu "Xcass")))

     ));;Here LaTeX environments tags 

;;; Here you install your LaTeX commands tags 
   '(("int1"  ("\\int_{" (p "liminf:") "}^{" (p "limsup:") "}" p 
               "\\;d"(p "var :")))
     ("big" ("\\big( "p" \\big)"))
     ("Big" ("\\Big( "p" \\Big)"))
     ("Box" ("\\begin{figure}
    $\\mathtt{" p "}$
     ("verb" ("\\verb+" p "+"))
     ("ens"("\\bigl\\{" p "\\bigr\\}"))
     ( "ds"("\\displaystyle"))
     ("fonc"("$"p"\\colon\\begin{array}{rll} "p" &\\to & "p" \\\\ x  & \\mapsto & "p" \\end{array}$"))
      ("Fonc"("$"p"\\colon\\begin{array}{rll} "p" &\\to & "p" \\\\ "p"  & \\mapsto & "p" \\end{array}$"))
     ("ab" ("\\left|"p"\\right|"))
     ("lin" ("\\displaystyle\\lim_{n\\to +\\infty}") )
     ("lim" ("\\displaystyle\\lim_{ "p" \\to "p" } ") )
     ;("limd"("\\displaystyle\\lim_{{"p"\\to "p"}\\atop{"p">"p"}}") )
     ;("limG"("\\displaystyle\\lim_{{"p"\\to "p"}\\atop{"p"<"p"}}") )
     ("ben" ("\\begin{enumerate}"))
     ("en" ("\\end{enumerate}"))
     ("df" ("\\dfrac{"p"}{"p"}"))
     ("no" ("\\norm{"p"}"))
     ("bi" ("\\binom{"p"}{"p"}"))
     ("fr" ("\\frac{"p"}{"p"}"))
     ("sq" ("\\sqrt{"p"}"))
     ("sum" ("\\sum_{"p"}^{"p"}"))
     ("pa" ("\\left("p"\\right)"))
     ("cro" ("\\left["p"\\right]"))
     ("ac" ("\\left\\{"p"\\right\\}"))
     ("ei" ("\\E^{\\efr{"p"\\I\\pi}{"p"}}"))
     ("i" ("\\item "p""))
     ("tri" ("\\item[$\\triangleright$]"p""))
     ("br" ("$\\bbr$"p))
     ("bz" ("$\\bbz$"p))
     ("bq" ("$\\bbq$"p))
     ("bc" ("$\\bbc$"p))
     ("bn" ("$\\bbn$"p))
     ("bk" ("$\\bbk$"p))
     ("bf" ("$\\bbf$"p))
     ("bp" ("$\\bbp$"p))
     ("se" ("\\set{"p"}"))
     ("bar" ("\\overline{"p"}"))
     ("O" ("\\Omega"))
     ("o" ("\\omega"))
     ("a" ("\\alpha"))
     ("e" ("\\varepsilon"))
     ("f" ("\\varphi"))
     ("db" ("\\dbinom{"p"}{"p"}"))
     ("te" ("\\text{"p"}"))
     ("ve" ("$\\ve{"p"}$"))
     ("mq" ("montrer que"))
     ("Mq" ("Montrez que"))
     ("cr" ("courbe représentative"))
     ("Et" ("\\'Etudiez"))
     ("oij" ("$(O,\\ve{i},\\ve{j})$"))
     ("oijk" ("$(O,\\ve{i},\\ve{j},\\ve{k})$"))
     ("got" ("\\textgoth{"p"}"))
     ("fra" ("\\textfrak{"p"}"))
     ("ssi" ("si, et seulement si, "))
     ("iff" ("\\Longleftrightarrow"))
     ("imp" ("\\Longrightarrow"))
     ("ro"  ("repère orthonormé "))
     ("coov"("\\ve{"p"}\\begin{pmatrix}"p" \\\\ "p"\\end{pmatrix}"))
     ("act" ((act)))
     ("lv"  ((f TeX-insert-macro "limv")))
     ("ca"  ((f TeX-insert-macro "card")))
     ("fr"  ((f TeX-insert-macro "frac")))
  ("bv" ("\\begin{verse}"))
  ("ev" ("\\end{verse}"))
     ("trans"("\\vphantom{"p"}^{\rm t}"p))
     ("lec"("\\LECON{"p"}{"p" }{"p"}{"p"}{"p"}"))
     ("x"("\\Prog{XCAS} "))

;; algorithm2e



;; danger


;; idée

;; tableau

                   )  )

;; XCAS à la Yves


;; preambule
\\entete{\\large \\bfseries"p"}{\\normalsize\\textsf{\\rightmark}}{Lycée Jean \\textsc{Perrin} - "p"}%g,d,b



;; encadre

{\\LARGE\\bfseries \\begin{center} "p"  \\end{center}}

;; preambule paysage     
\\entete{\\large \\bfseries"p"}{\\normalsize\\textsf{\\rightmark}}{Lycée Jean \\textsc{Perrin} - "p"}%g,d,b




;; figure


     ;; titre

("tit" ("\\setcounter{NumLecon}{"p"}
%\\TITRE{IV}{Chapitre}{Vecteurs, bases}{et repères}{Vecteurs, bases et repères}{robin.eps}

\\TITRE{}{Chapitre }{"p" }{}{}{}

("Enc" ("\\Enc{"p"}{"p"}{"p"}  % titre,couleur,taille h"))

("filec" ( "%  En préambule,  les  sources metapost.  Si  vous lancez  latex  sur ce  fichier,  il vous  placera
% automatiquement le fichier .mp dans le répertoire courant. 

;; beamer


  % or ...Warsaw

  \\setbeamercovered{highly dynamic}
  % or whatever (possibly just delete it)

\\title["p"] % (optional, use only with long paper titles)


\\author["p"] % (optional, use only with lots of authors)
{Guillaume CONNAN }
% - Give the names in the same order as the appear in the paper.
% - Use the \inst{?} command only if the authors have different
%   affiliation.

\\institute{Lycée Jean PERRIN}% (optional, but mostly needed)

\\date["p"] % (optional, should be abbreviation of conference name)
% - Either use conference name or its abbreviation.
% - Not really informative to the audience, more for people (including
%   yourself) who are reading the slides online



% If you wish to uncover everything in a step-wise fashion, uncomment
% the following command: 




  % You might wish to add the option [pausesections]



;; animation


;; ds

%\\entete{DS n°1}{Jeudi 4 octobre 2007}{Jean Perrin - T\textsuperscript{ale}S 5}%g,d,b

{\\LARGE\\bfseries \\sffamily \\begin{center} Devoir Surveillé n°"p" \\hfill Jeudi 4 octobre 2007 \\\\
                                  T\\textsuperscript{ale}S 5   \\hfill 2 heures  \\end{center}}


;; preambule livret sesamaths


\\usepackage[latin1]{inputenc}          % les bons codes pour les bonnes lettres
\\usepackage{listings}% pour les listings informatiques
\\usepackage{keystroke}% pour les touches du clavier
%\\usepackage{yhmath} %pour faire un arc de cercle $\\wideparen{AB}$ 
\\usepackage{eurosym} % pour avoir le symbole euro \\euro
\\usepackage{slashbox} %pour barrer une cellule d'un tableau
\\usepackage{mathrsfs, wasysym} % mathscfs donne accès aux lettres curvilignes
\\usepackage{pstricks,pstricks-add,pst-math,pst-xkey} % packages utiles pour le pstricks
\\usepackage{multirow,colortbl,tabularx} % packages utilisés dans un tableau (tabular)

  \\addto@pscode{/Normal .setblendmode \\pstranspalpha .setshapealpha }%
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Ceci sert lorsqu'on remplit une figure géométrique

\\textbf{\\psframebox*[fillcolor=black!60]{\\textbf{\\white Partie \\arabic{numero}:}}}\\quad}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% incrémente le numéro de la partie

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% définition des items

        \\rput(9.5,1){#1} \\rput(9.5,0.4){#2}
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% cadre et titre

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% ligne tirets


%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% crée les cadres pour Procédure; en paramètre, on met le texte

\\newcommand\\R{{\\mathbb R}} % les réels
\\newcommand\\Q{{\\mathbb Q}} % les rationnels
\\newcommand\\Z{{\\mathbb Z}} % les entiers relatifs
\\newcommand\\D{{\\mathbb D}} % les décimaux
\\newcommand\\N{{\\mathbb N}} % les entiers naturels
\\newcommand\\bC{{\\mathbb C}} % les complexes
\\newcommand\\bc{{\\mathscr C}} % pour les courbes
\\newcommand\\Pl{\\mathscr{P}} % pour les plans
\\newcommand\\Oij{$\\left(O;~\\vec{i},~\\vec{j}\\right)$} % pour nommer un repère (O;i,j)
\\newcommand\\e{\\mathrm{e}} %pour écrire correctement le nombre e
\\renewcommand\\i{\\mathrm{i}} %pour écrire correctement le nombre i
\\renewcommand\\d{\\,\\text{d}} % pour avoir un d droit dans l'intégrale

\\newcommand{\\ve}[1]{\\overrightarrow{#1}} %pour les vecteurs
\\newcommand{\\Cnp}[2]{\\displaystyle{{#1 \\choose #2}}} % pour les p parmi n
\\end{array}\\right.} % pour créer un système de deux équations

        \\unitlength \\@longarc

%%%   Pour les listings de code et les réponses du logiciel

    Réponse du logiciel}}


keywordstyle =\\color{0.2white}\\bfseries\\usefont{OT1}{cmtt}{b}{n},basicstyle=\\ttfamily,commentstyle=\\normalfont\\scriptsize\\itshape,%\\small,

\\newcommand\\Prog[1]{{\\bfseries\\ttfamily #1}}


% %%% un ; avec un peu d'espace autour pour les intervalles
\\newcommand{\\pv}{\\ensuremath{\\: ; \\,}}

%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% pour créer un arc de cercle
%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%% Début du document %%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%%


\\cadre{\\LARGE \\emph{"p" }}{\\Large \\emph{ }}

\\textbf{Compétences mathématiques\\::}\\par
        \\hspace{1cm} $\\bullet$  

\\textbf{Compétences informatiques\\::}\\par
        \\hspace{1cm} $\\bullet$  

        \\hspace{1cm} $\\bullet$  


\\partie \\textbf{ }\\\\
\\procedure{\\linewidth}{Le problème}{ }

\\item \\textbf{  }\\\\




;; TP xcas sur le site

<div class=\"menul\">
<ul class=\"itemsl\">
<li> <a href=\"http://gconnan.free.fr/les pdf/"p".pdf\">
<img src=\"./pdf.png\"width=\"22\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> </a></li>

<li> <a href=\"http://gconnan.free.fr/les_sources/"p".tex\">
<img src=\"./tex.png\"width=\"22\" height=\"22\" border=\"0\" alt=\"\"> </a> </li>

<li><a  class=\"lien\"href=\"http://gconnan.free.fr/les pdf/"p"_capture.pdf\"style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#ffff00\">
 Visualisation session</a> </li>
<li><a  class=\"lien\"href=\"http://gconnan.free.fr/les_sources/"p".xws\"style=\"text-decoration:none;color:#ffff00\">
session XCAS</a></li>

<div class=\"contenu\">
<h1> titre </h1>



;;; Preambule mini






;;;;; pgiac


\\newcommand{\\ie}{\\leqslant}  % inferieur ou egal
\\newcommand{\\se}{\\geqslant}  % superieur ou egal

keywordstyle =\\color{red}\\usefont{OT1}{cmtt}{b}{n},basicstyle=\\ttfamily\\footnotesize\\color{red},commentstyle=\\normalfont\\scriptsize\\slshape,breaklines=true,backgroundcolor=\\color{0.9white}}

    \\color{red}$>\\ $}

%% On redéfinit l'allure des sections en gardant \\section, etc.


\\sectionfont{\\LARGE \\sffamily\\color{0.2white}}
\\renewcommand\\thesection{\\Roman{section} -}
\\renewcommand\\thesubsection{\\arabic{subsection}. }
\\renewcommand\\thesubsubsection{\\alph{subsubsection}. }


\\author{Guillaume CONNAN\\\\ \\href{http://tehessin.tuxfamily.org}{http://tehessin.tuxfamily.org}}





.gp string = text

.gp commande = listing





;;            TABLOR
;cas tableau de variation
      ("TV" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                 "\\begin{TV}" n>
"TV(["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
                 "["(p "liste de valeurs interdites (,) :")"],"
                 "\""(p "nom de la fonction :")"\","
                 "\""(p "nom de la variable :")"\","
                 ""(p "expression de la fonction (utiliser x) :")","
""(p "type de tableau (1:complet, 0:sans signe, 2:que le signe) :")","
""(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                 "\\tv)" n>
               "\\end{TV}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))
      ;cas TVI
      ("TVI" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                  "\\begin{TVI}" n>
"TVI(["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
                  "["(p "liste de valeurs interdites (,) :")"],"
                  "\""(p "nom de la fonction :")"\","
                  "\""(p "nom de la variable :")"\","
                  ""(p "expression de la fonction (utiliser x) :")","
""(p "type de tableau (1:complet, 0:sans signe, 2:que le signe) :")","
""(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                  ""(p "f(x)=l pour la valeur l :")","
                  "\\tv)" n>
                  "\\end{TVI}" n>
                  "\\end{center}" > % ))
      ;cas signe produit
      ("TS" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                  "\\begin{TS}" n>
                  "TS(\""(p "nom du produit :")"\","
                 "["(p "liste des facteurs (,) :")"],"
        "["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
        ""(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                  "\\tv)" n>
                  "\\end{TS}" n>
                  "\\end{center}" > % ))
      ;cas signe quotient
      ("TSq" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                  "\\begin{TSq}" n>
                  "TSq(\""(p "nom du quotient :")"\","
                  "["(p "liste des facteurs du numerateur (,) :")"],"
                  "["(p "liste des facteurs du denominateur (,) :")"],"
        "["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
        ""(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                  "\\tv)" n>    
                  "\\end{TSq}" n>
                  "\\end{center}" > % ))

; Tableau signe court
 ("TSc" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                  "\\begin{TSc}" n>
                  "TSc("(p "expression :")",""["
(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","
(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],""["
(p "liste de valeurs interdites (,) :")"],"""
(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                  "\\tv)" n>
                  "\\end{TSc}" n>
                  "\\end{center}" > % ))

       ;cas tableau de variation avec zone interdite
      ("TVZ" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                 "\\begin{TV}" n>
"TVZ(["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
                 "["(p "liste de valeurs interdites (,) :")"],"
                  "["(p "liste des zones interdites ([,],[,]) :")"],"
                 "\""(p "nom de la fonction :")"\","
                 "\""(p "nom de la variable :")"\","
                 ""(p "expression de la fonction (utiliser x) :")","
""(p "type de tableau (1:complet, 0:sans signe, 2:que le signe) :")","
""(p "trigo ? (t:oui, n:non) :")","
                 "\\tv)" n>
               "\\end{TV}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))
;cas TVP
      ("TVP" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
                  "\\begin{TVI}" n>
"TVP(["(p "debut de l'intervalle:")","(p "fin de l'intervalle:")"],"
                  "[["(p "liste de valeurs interdites de x(t)(,) :")"],"
                   "["(p "liste de valeurs interdites de y(t)(,) :")"]],"
                  "[\""(p "nom de la fonction x :")"\","
                   "\""(p "nom de la fonction y :")"\"],"
                  "\""(p "nom de la variable :")"\","
                  "["(p "expression de la fonction x (utiliser t) :")","
                  ""(p "expression de la fonction y (utiliser t) :")"],"
""(p "type de tableau (1:complet, 0:sans signe, 2:que le signe) :")","
                  ""(p "t si fonctions trigo, n sinon :")","
                  "\\tv)" n>
                  "\\end{TVP}" n>
                  "\\end{center}" > % ))

;;;;;;; 1VARSTAT

; tableu

("tableu" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p"numero du tableau :")"}"n>        
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"]" n>
               "\\end{pro-tableu}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

; 1varstat

("1varstat" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p"numero du tableau :")"}"n>          
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"]"n>
               "\\end{pro-1varstat}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

; moustache

("moustache" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p"numero de la boite :")"}"n>
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"],"
(p "xmin : ")","
(p "xmax : ")","
(p "unites par cm : ")","
(p "ecart legende x : ")","
(p "ecart grille x : ")","
 "[]" n>
               "\\end{pro-moustache}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

; batons

("batons" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p"numero du graphique :")"}"n>        
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " liste des Y :")"],"
(p "xmin : ")","
(p "xmax : ")","
(p "ymin : ")","
(p "ymax : ")","
(p "unites x par cm : ")","
(p "unites y par cm : ")","
(p "ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille y : ")","
 "[]" n>
               "\\end{pro-batons}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

; batons1e

("batons1e" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p"numero du graphique  :")"}"n>
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " liste des Y :")"],"
(p "xmin : ")","
(p "xmax : ")","
(p "ymin : ")","
(p "ymax : ")","
(p "unites x par cm : ")","
(p "unites y par cm : ")","
(p "ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille y : ")",[[\"ecart-type\","
(p "multiple de s : ")"]]"n>
               "\\end{pro-batons}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

;;;;; Pro -2varstat

;; nuage

("nuage" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du graphique : ")"}"n>
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " liste des Y :")"],"
(p "xmin : ")","
(p "xmax : ")","
(p "ymin : ")","
(p "ymax : ")","
(p "unites x par cm : ")","
(p "unites y par cm : ")","
(p "ecart legende x : ")","
(p "ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille x : ")","
(p "ecart grille y : ")",[]" n>
               "\\end{pro-nuage}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("lissage" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du graphique : ")"}"n>
(p " liste des X :")"],["
(p " liste des Y :")"],"
(p "xmin : ")","
(p "xmax : ")","
(p "ymin : ")","
(p "ymax : ")","
(p "unites x par cm : ")","
(p "unites y par cm : ")","
(p "ecart legende x : ")","
(p "ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille x : ")","
(p "ecart grille y : ")",[\"mcc\","
(p "ordre du lissage : ")",[\""
(p "couleur : ")"\"],[\"texte-libre\",["
(p "coordonnees de la legende : ")"],\""
(p "position de la legende : ")"\",\""
(p "couleur de la legende : ")"\"]]"n>
               "\\end{pro-lissage}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))


; pro-camembert

("camembert" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du diagramme : ")"}"   n>
(p " label des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"],"
(p " rayon du camembert : ")",[]" n>
               "\\end{pro-camembert}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("tablecam" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du tableau : ")"}" n>
(p "titre " )"\",["
(p " label des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"]" n>
               "\\end{pro-tablecam}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("baton" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du diagramme : ")"}" n>
(p " label des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"],"
(p "ymin,ymax :")","
(p "ux,uy : ")","
(p "ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille y : ")",[[\"texte-ordonnees\",\""
(p "texte ordonnees : ")"\"]]"n>
               "\\end{pro-batonslabel}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("micamembert" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du diagramme : ")"}"   n>
(p " label des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"],"
(p " rayon du camembert : ")",[]" n>
               "\\end{pro-micamembert}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("tablemicam" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du tableau : ")"}" n>
(p "titre " )"\",["
(p " label des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"]" n>
               "\\end{pro-tablemicam}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("tablehisto" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du tableau : ")"}" n>
(p " Bornes des X :")"],["
(p " Effectif :")"]" n>
               "\\end{pro-tablehisto}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))

("histo" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
(p "numero du diagramme : ")"}" n>
(p " bornes des X :")"],["
(p " Effectifs :")"],"
(p "xmin,xmax :")","
(p "hauteur en cm :")","
(p "ux : ")","
(p "ecart legende x, ecart legende y : ")","
(p "ecart grille x, ecart grille y : ")",[[\"texte-ordonnees\",\""
(p "texte ordonnees : ")"\"]]"n>
               "\\end{pro-histogramme}" n>
               "\\end{center}" > % ))


; pro-courbefn

("courbefn" (& > "\\begin{center}"n>
"\\begin{pro-courbefn}{"(p " numero de la courbe : ")"}" n>
"["(p " expression de la fonction (var x) :")",\""
(p " couleur : ")"\",["
(p " x debut courbe,x fin courbe :")",\""
(p " bornes ouvertes/fermees (oo, of,fo,ff) :")"\"]],"
(p "xmin,xmax,ymin,ymax :")","
(p "ux,uy (les unites) :")","
(p "cx,cy (ecarts entre deux graduations) :")","
(p "gx,gy (ecarts entre deux lignes du quadrillage) :")",[[\"texte-courbe\","
(p "abscisse de la légende :")",\""
(p "legende en code latex (remplacer \\ par @) :")"\",\""
(p "position de la legende (bot,top,lft,rt,llft,lrt,urt,ulft) :")"\",\""
(p "couleur de la legende  :")"\"],[\"titre-droite\",\""
(p "titre en haut a droite en code latex (remplacer \\ par @)  :")"\"],[\"titre-gauche\",\""
(p "titre en haut a gauche en code latex (remplacer \\ par @)  :")"\"],[\"tangente\","
(p "abscisse du pt de tangence : ")",\""
(p "nom du point de tang. en code latex : ")"\",\""
(p "position de la legende (bot,top, etc.) : ")"\",\""
(p "couleur de la tangente : ")"\","
(p "longueur d'une 1/2 tang. : ")"],[\"asymp-obli\","
(p "expression de l'asymptote oblique (var x) : ")",["
(p "au voisinage de (sep ,) :")"],\""
(p "couleur de l'asymptote : ")"\"],[\"asymp-verti\","
(p "equation y=  : ")",[-infinity,+infinity],\""
(p "couleur de l'asymptote : ")"\"],[\"asymp-hori\","
(p "equation x=  : ")",["
(p "au voisinage de (sep ,) :")"],\""
(p "couleur de l'asymptote : ")"\"],[\"aire-sous-courbe\","
(p "xmin,xmax  : ")",\""
(p "couleur du domaine : ")"\"],[\"riemann\","
(p "xmin,xmax,nb de rectangles,  : ")",\""
(p "min ou max ? ")"\",\""
(p "couleur du domaine : ")"\"],[\"point-courbe\","
(p "abscisse du point de la courbe : ")",\""
(p "nom du point de la courbe au format latex : ")"\",\""
(p "position de la legende (bot, top, etc.) :")"\",\""
(p "couleur de la legende : ")"\",[\""
(p "x pour seulement la legende x, xy siles 2 : ")"\"]],[\"point-libre\"[,"
(p "abscisse,ordonnee du point de la courbe au format giac : ")"],\""
(p "nom du point de la courbe au format latex : ")"\",\""
(p "position de la legende (bot, top, etc.) :")"\",\""
(p "couleur de la legende : ")"\",[\""
(p "x pour seulement la legende x, xy siles 2 : ")"\",\""
(p "abscisse au format latex : ")"\",\""
(p "ordonnee au format latex : ")"\"]]]" n>
"\\end{pro-courbefn}" n>
 "\\end{center}" > % ))

;;; alterqcm

( "alterqcm" ( & >
       "\\begin{alterqcm}[" ( p "Options: ") "]" n  
       "\\AQquestion[" (p "Options: ") "]{" p "}" "{\% " n 
       "{}""," n 
       "{}" n 
       "}"  n 
       "\\end{alterqcm}"  >%))

( "aq" ( & >
        "\\AQquestion[" (p "Options: ") "]{" p "}" "{\% " n
        "{}""," n 
       "{}" n 
       "}"  n 
        > %))

;;;; encadres

("def" (& >
"\\begin{Definition}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("prop" (& >
"\\begin{Propriete}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("rem" (& >
"\\begin{Remarque}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("exem" (& >
"\\begin{Exemple}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("id" (& >
"\\begin{Idee}{" (p " titre ? ")"}" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("dan" (& >
"\\begin{DANGER}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("the" (& >
"\\begin{Theoreme}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("ret" (& >
"\\begin{Retenir}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

("pb" (& >
"\\begin{Probleme}[" (p " titre ? ")"]" n>
    p n>
"\\end{figure}" > % ))

;;;;; autres commandes

("bloc" (& > "\\begin{block}{"
           (p "titre du bloc : ")"}"n>
                "\\end{block}" > % ))

;;; preambule utf8 cours

("precours" ("











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% %%% Fraction en oblique

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%%% pointillé



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% \\renewcommand{\\cacheb}{}

%%% bclogo

% petits environnements bclogo


\\newenvironment{DANGER}[1][Attention !]{%


\\begin{bclogo}{\\note}{Remarque \\theremar\\ : #1}{0.9white}{0.1}{0}}

\\begin{bclogo}{\\panchant}{Exemple \\theexem\\ : #1}{0.9white}{0.1}{0}}

\\begin{bclogo}{\\orne}{Définition \\thedefinit\\ : #1}{0.9white}{0.1}{0}}

\\begin{bclogo}{\\etoile}{Propriété \\thepropri\\ : #1}{0.9white}{0.1}{0}}

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\\LECOND{"p" }{ ième}{ }{}{ }{}



      ));;Here LaTeX commands tags

;; some local key. 
;; The most important is f3 to complete your tag's.
(add-hook 'LaTeX-mode-hook
   (lambda ()
     (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [C-M-right] 'tempo-forward-mark)
     (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [C-M-left]  'tempo-backward-mark)
     (define-key LaTeX-mode-map [f3] 'tempo-complete-tag))))

(provide 'latex-tempo)
;;; latex-tempo ends here