Configure POK: the script
POK distribution can be configured so reach different goals. The basic
configuration is automatically performed. However, in some cases, you want to
use some additional options.
At first, the configuration of POK is made with the
script, located in the misc directory. So, issue
./misc/ to use the default configuration. The
configuration is automatically produced by this script and written in the
misc/mk/ file.
Then, the script can be used with additional switches
to enable some options of POK. There is a list of these switches:
- -help : print help menu
- -with-xcov : use xcov from the coverage3.2 project. With
this option, when you invoke make run after building a system,
the emulator will be stopped after 40 seconds of execution and analyses
the code coverage of the system.
- -with-floppy : add an additional rule so that you can
automatically install the POK binary into a bootable floppy. In
consequence, you can invoke make install in the generated
directory to create this floppy disk image.
- -with-instrumentation : automatically insrument kernel and
partition code and produce additional output to trace system activity.
This functionnality produces additional files to trace and analze POK
behavior with third-party tools such as Cheddar10.2.
Copyright 2009 POK Team